The OSS General Assembly and Difficult Case Rounds

The Oman Surgical Society held its first meeting titled “General Assembly and Difficult
Case Round” on December 21 st , 2022, at the Grand Mellinium Hotel in Muscat. This
meeting aimed to discuss the challenges and difficulties that are commonly faced during
gallbladder surgery. The event brought together leading hepatopancreaticobiliary
surgeons from Oman to exchange knowledge and share their experiences with these
complex procedures.
The meeting was attended in-person by more than 120 people, which included
surgeons, surgical residents, interns, and other related healthcare workers. The
attendants represented the whole range of Hospitals in the country, including the Royal
Hospital, Khoula Hospital, the Armed Forces Hospital, Sultan Qaboos University
Hospital, and the SQCCCRC, to name a few. To make the event accessible to those
who could not attend in-person, the event was broadcasted live on Zoom for around 40
viewers from the different regions outside Muscat. The discussions revolved around the
various techniques used to perform difficult gallbladder surgeries and the different
challenges that arise during the procedure.
This first OSS event also included a General Assembly meeting, during which the plans
and agenda of the new board were discussed with the members. The new board
members were also introduced, along with their respective sub-committees. The
attendants had the chance to socialize amongst other members from different hospitals
of the Sultanate over a friendly closing dinner.

By: Dr. Manar Nasr