Establishing the Women Surgeons of Oman Club

Since the dawn of the Renaissance, the supreme interest of the government in the medical
sector and its development had a great impact on the path of medicine in our country,
especially the development of surgical services provided to patients. With that, there was an
early, parallel interest in engaging and empowering Omani women to be actively involved in
building the healthcare services. Since then, the contribution of women in surgery has been
instrumental in advancing the profession. In fact, the recent years have shown a sharp increase
in the number of women surgical residents and women surgeons, including those in leadership
The Women Surgeons of Oman Club was established on February 3 rd , 2023, under the umbrella
of the Oman Surgical Society. It is the first Club of its kind in Oman, and it aims to help women
surgeons in issues encountered such as work-life balance. The Club will provide the venue to
allow mentorship and peer communication amongst women surgeons, to celebrate their
achievements, and to guide women trainees through their journey.
The first Women Surgeons of Oman and the fourth forum of the Women Surgeons of the Gulf
took place on February 3 rd , 2023, at the Jumeirah Hotel in Muscat Bay under the auspices of
H.H. Dr. Mona Al Said, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Sultan Qaboos University. The event was
attended by more than 150 people from various health sectors in Oman and the GCC.
Moreover, there were several wellness activities involved in the symposium to help address the
coping and resilience mechanisms. This was followed by a lovely Gala Dinner to launch the Club

By: Dr. Nooreen Al Balushi