Terms and Conditions


Thank you for choosing to navigate the Oman Surgical Society website. It’s our honor to have you here. By accessing and using our website, you’re showing trust in us—a trust we don’t take lightly. Thus, by continuing on our platform, you implicitly agree to adhere to the stipulations laid out in these terms and conditions in their entirety. If you find yourself not in agreement with any part of these terms, we respect your decision and advise against using our platform.

Intellectual Property Considerations

Creativity, innovation, and education are at the core of the Oman Surgical Society’s digital assets. The comprehensive content, the detailed diagrams, the intuitive design—all are protected intellectual assets belonging to the Oman Surgical Society and/or its rightful licensors. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or misrepresentation of this content is not just an infringement on our rights but a disservice to the medical community we aim to serve.

Ethical Use of Our Website

We’ve put in effort and heart into creating a platform that serves our community’s needs. We expect users to utilize this platform in a manner that’s respectful and considerate. Any activity that harms our website’s functionality, jeopardizes its accessibility, or in any way disrupts other users’ experiences is discouraged.

Secure Transactions

Our website is equipped with a modern payment gateway. This system ensures a seamless and secure transaction process for our users. However, while we’ve fortified our end, users are always encouraged to be vigilant and safeguard their personal payment details.

Membership Guidelines

Being a member of the Oman Surgical Society platform is more than just having an account—it’s being part of a community. Therefore, when you register for membership, we expect you to provide genuine and accurate information about yourself. We value integrity, and any misleading information can lead to membership termination. Moreover, by registering with the Oman Surgical Society, you also implicitly agree that the rules and conditions outlined here apply equivalently once you are registered with the Oman Medical Association.

Event Bookings

Life is unpredictable. Thus, while we endeavor to stick to schedules, sometimes changes are inevitable. Tickets booked via our website are always subject to event specifics and availability. Should there be a need, we reserve the right to reschedule or adjust event details.

Cancellation Policy

Should you need to cancel your participation, we understand and provide a structured process for such instances. Cancellation requests must be submitted by email to info@oss.om. For those cancellation requests received by Thursday, November 8, 2023, a full refund will be processed within 30 days of the request. Kindly note, no refund will be provided after Thursday, November 8, 2023.

Privacy & Data Security: A Top Priority

In today’s digital age, data privacy is paramount. We at the Oman Surgical Society deeply respect the confidentiality of information shared with us. This policy is a testament to our commitment to safeguarding your personal information. Rest assured, every piece of data shared is secured with state-of-the-art protocols to prevent unauthorized breaches.

Limitation of Liabilities

While we strive for perfection, we also acknowledge the vastness of the digital realm. The Oman Surgical Society, while diligent, cannot be held liable for any discrepancies, damages, or perceived harm related to the content or user interaction with this website.

Revisions and Updates

As the medical field evolves, so do we. Periodically, we may refine these terms to better reflect our services and user needs. It’s always a good idea to revisit this page occasionally to stay updated.

Legal Governance

Our roots are deep in Omani soil. Thus, these terms and all underlying operations are governed by Omani law. Any disputes or conflicts arising from these terms will be judiciously resolved in the courts of Oman.

Privacy Policy: Safeguarding Your Digital Footprint

Who We Are

Navigating through the vast ocean of the internet, you’ve anchored at our digital harbor—oss.om. The Oman Surgical Society, an esteemed branch of the Oman Medical Association, is proud to steer this ship.

Data Collection: Transparency in Action

  • Forms:
    • Every form on our site serves a purpose. Whether it’s to capture your IP address for security reasons, or your email to facilitate communication. Rest assured, each piece of data has a specific purpose, clearly indicated during submission.
  • Polls:
    • Your opinion matters. When participating in our polls, we record IP Addresses to ensure one vote per user and to maintain the integrity of results.
  • Quizzes:
    • Engage in our quizzes with peace of mind, knowing that we don’t capture any identifiable personal information.

Data Retention Period

We believe in purposeful data retention. While form data and poll-related IP addresses are retained for 30 days, registered user information remains safeguarded in our database. However, if you ever wish to extract or delete your data, the process is straightforward and user-friendly.

Data Direction

Your data might take a journey, either being displayed for educational purposes or sent to our dedicated team for further actions. In certain functionalities, data might be shared with third-party services, always safeguarded and never misused.

Third-Party Collaborations

We collaborate with an array of third-party services to enhance user experience and functionality. These services have their own stringent privacy policies, ensuring that your data remains protected.